Our Mission
International social movement for the promotion of peaceful existence in Outer Space The Ethics of the Cosmos was established with the goal to assist all Humankind in a new commitment to become a moral, peaceful, ethical, global civilization, moving toward fulfilling its Cosmic purpose as the only force on Earth, in the Solar System, and in the Galaxy itself that can accomplish what we humans must do.
There are three main documents, which describe in every detail why, by whom and for what purpose The Ethics of the Cosmos was established, what are the goal and objectives of the movement, and what fundamental knowledge underpins all its activities.
You also may want to invite someone who you think would be interested in becoming a member of The Ethics of the Cosmos. For this purpose we have come up with the text of the Invitation Letter, which you will find below and which may be helpful in inviting possible future members of the movement. You can also consider attaching the Preamble, the Declaration and the Conception of the Living Universe to the Invitation Letter.
Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space
A world binding law to be signed by all countries of the world to ban all space-based weapons and ensure that no force or a threat of force shall ever be used against any space objects.
Download the text of the Treaty in a PDF format below and reach out for your state officials or people who can fasten the process of the signing of the Treaty in your country.
The Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space

Peace on Earth...
...through Peace in Space
The Era of Cooperation, the Time of Change
Dear Human,
9 years already in the Age of Aquarius, we have to tell you, and you have to know the following truths:
1) Humanity is not alone in the Universe. There are many other humanoid races in the Universe, including in our Galaxy - they all are friendly to earthlings.
2) The "Divide and Conquer" principal is permanently outdated and does not conform in any way with the needs of humanity. What shall be instead of "Divide and Conquer" is Cooperation.
3) Humanity is the main acting force in the Solar System, we are in charge of it and in charge of the planet Earth. We must and will put everything here back in order.
4) There are Fundamental Laws of the Universe, which, among other things, say that to evolve you have to raise your level of consciousness, that is your level of Ethics.
To know more read the Conception of the Living Universe
and stay tuned for more materials to be uploaded.