Members of the Movement

Alexander Semyonov

Head of the movement
Honorary PhD, professor and Presidium member of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems
President of the Association Ecology of the Unknown
International Academy of Information, Communication and Management (IAICM), academician
Academy for the Study of Informatiological and Applied Anomalogy Problems (AIAAN), honorary academician
International Academy of Energy-Information Sciences (IAEIS), honorary academician

Timofey Egorov

Chief Coordinator of the movement
Trainer of cosmonauts at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, Star City, Russia
Association Ecology of the Unknown, General Director

Carol Sue Rosin

Honorary Member, Representative of the movement in Oregon, USA
Executive Director, Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth (P.E.A.C.E. Inc.)
Founder, Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space (ISCOS)
World Peace in Space Ambassador, International Association of Educators for World Peace, UN/NGO in consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council
Coordinator, World Space Commission, World Government of World Citizens
Honorary PhD

Ervin Laszlo

Honorary Member, Representative of the movement in Italy
Founder-Director of the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research (Italy)
Founder and President of The Club of Budapest
Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science
Noble Peace Prize nominee in 2004 and 2005, recipient of various honors and awards
Honorary PhD in the United States, Canada, Finland, and Hungary
Professor, author, pianist

Paweł Wądołowski

World Member, Representative of the movement in Poland
Inventor, aerospace engineer
Advocate of peaceful cooperation on Earth and in the Cosmos

Renato Francisco Ganley Zimmermann

World Member, Representative of the movement in Japan
Social activist

Sylvain Rochon

World Member, Representative of the movement in Ontario, Canada
BSc. Biochemistry, BSc.A. Chemical Engineering, B.Ed. Education
Vice President of the Alliance for Extraterrestrial Diplomatic Contact
Futurist & Serial Entrepreneur

Mary Teresa Rodwell

World Member, Representative of the movement in Australia

Marko Novak

World Member, Representative of the movement in Serbia
Graphics Designer

Pavlos Symentis

World Member, Representative of the movement in Greece
Social entrepreneur

Joao Pedro Jacinto Avelar Correia

World Member, Representative of the movement in Portugal
Social activist
Radio DJ

Winfred Khoo

World Member, Representative of the movement in Singapore and Malaysia
Singapore company for the study and practice of Integrative Health Sciences and Nutritional Medicine in ASEAN, Managing Director

Jose Daniel Munoz Tovar

World Member, Representative of the movement in Mexico
Investigative journalist specializing in alternative phenomena and new sciences
TV and radio speaker, producer, writer, translator, holistic therapist
Director of the Mexican TV channel Infinito TV
Head of the Mexican movement Nuevo Tiempo
Director of the Nueva Consciencia School

Amber Langtry

World Member, Representative of the movement in the UK
Bachelor in computer animation
Animator, motion graphics artist

Ladislav Jenik

World Member, Representative of the movement in Czech Republic
Bachelor of Philosophy and Bachelor of Theology, University of San Giovanni, Vatican
Member of the Psychotronic Association of the Czech Republic
Top manager in the field of medical equipment

Kevin Caissie

World Member, Representative of the movement in Alberta, Canada
Oil industry worker
Social activist

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright

World Member, Representative of the movement in Arizona, USA
Founder, Director, Institute for Exoconsciousness
PhD, Parapsychic Science
Washington, DC Representative and science advisor for Apollo 14, Dr. Edgar Mitchell's Quantrek Organization
Author, educator, futurist

Nancy Tremaine

World Member, Representative of the movement in Michigan, USA

Paul Behnke

World Member, Representative of the movement in Florida, USA
Truck driver

James Forsythe

World Member, Representative of the movement in Pennsylvania, USA
Advocate and Consultant for Institute For Cooperation In Outer Space
Supporter and advocate of
Professional photographer
Educator, entrepreneur, futurist